Home Buyer Representation Realty, Inc.
"We Only Represent Home Buyers"

132 Mallard Landing Way, Columbia, SC  29209
Office:  803-783-3818  Fax:   803-783-8621

Now is the best time to call us -- anytime -- 7 days a week!

South Carolina Links Page

SCIway the South Carolina Information Hiway

State Government Page

Charleston, SC

        Charleston AFB, SC

Columbia, SC

Fort Jackson, SC

Greenville/Spartanburg, SC

Myrtle Beach, SC

Sumter, SC

        Shaw AFB, SC

This page is a service of Home Buyer Representation Realty, Inc. for new and prospective residents of Columbia, SC.  
If you know of a link which you believe should be included on this page, e-mail it to webmaster@schomebuyer.com for review. 
Homebuyer Representation Realty, Inc. reserves the right to not publish any proposed link for any reason.

Copywrite © 1998-2009 Home Buyer Representation Realty, Inc.